We announced this past Friday that our new album, Gary, will be released everywhere Decemeber 6th! Our crowdfunding site is now live for vinyl pre-orders. To order Gary on vinyl, click HERE.

Album Art Cover CD.PNG

We are so proud of these songs, and we can’t wait for people to hear it. From the very beginning, when the songs were just starting to form and gel together in practice, we knew we wanted them to be experienced in a special way.

We worked incredibly hard to bring Gary to life, and we enlisted some incredible people to help us do so.

Kenny Eaton at Mystery Ton Studios tracked all the bass/drums/rhythm guitar at his beautiful studio, and that foundation was what we built the rest of the album upon. Check out Kenny’s Studio HERE.

Our dear friend, Derek Salazar, came down to Frederick from Philly, and spent a week with us at Pat’s grandfather’s house where he finished tracking everything else. After that, he took the completed songs, and mixed them into the works of art we knew they were. Give Derek’s website a look HERE.

For the last stage, we had someone, who has mastered some of our favorite albums, take our’s and work his mastering magic. That person is TW Walsh. For TW’s mastering page click HERE.

From there, Gary is what it is today, and what it will be the day it releases. We named this album in honor of our friendship to one another, but most importantly, it was named after Pat’s grandfather (who’s house was used to record the last 2/3 of the album) who passed away in March. This album means the world to us, and we hope you enjoy it. Mark December 6th on your calendars, and please consider buying a vinyl. Be on the lookout for a new single to release next week, as well as details on an album release show.